CEO & President,PTCL Mr. Walid Irshaid, accepted the prestigious SAMENA Award 2011 for PTCL as -Best Telecom Operator in South Asia-, conferred at the annual SAMENA -Convergence to Doha- summit held in Doha on November


Doha, November 2011: Pakistan Telecommunications Company Ltd (PTCL) CEO & President, Mr. Walid Irshaid, accepted the prestigious SAMENA Award 2011 for PTCL as “Best Telecom Operator in South Asia”, conferred at the annual SAMENA ‘Convergence to Doha’ summit held in Doha on November 1-2. “The SAMENA Award 2011 is another historic milestone for PTCL in its continuing journey of technological progress and business achievement,” said Mr. Irshaid on the occasion. “It is a result of the brilliance and hard work of all PTCL employees who are busy bringing the best of innovation and service to our valuable customers. I also extend my sincere gratitude to the millions of PTCL customers who have made this award possible because of their continued faith and trust in our services.”This year’s Award is PTCL’s second consecutive win at the prestigious global SAMENA annual forum. In 2010, PTCL had won SAMENA’s “Best Fixed Operator Award” in recognition of its competitive market edge and impressive growth.

Press Release by PTCL


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