Pakistan vs Srilanka Cricket Series Alerts by Zong


Pakistan v/s Sri Lanka 2011 Series

The heat of Gulf is on as Zong brings you once again the clash of titans. It's your favorite cricketing heroes fighting for pride & glory. Stay updated with live action of Pakistan & Sri Lanka series in U.A.E. anytime and anywhere.
Service Features

The following features are available:
Service Features
IVR Live Cricket Commentary
SMS Subscription
Per Match Subscription
Entire Series Subscription
The alerts which would be forwarded to the customers for any of the above subscriptions include:
Toss Alert.
Half Century Alert.
Century Alert.
Wicket Alert.
End of Innings.
Man of the Match.
SMS Pull Alerts
Current score updates
Wicket Video Alerts

Service Mechanics
Live Cricket Commentary

Live cricket commentary will be available on Zong IVR short code 426 as soon as match starts.
SMS Services
For Subscription:
For Current match Subscription:

You can send 'sub' to 161 Rs. 15 + Tax would be charged: "You have subscribed to Live Cricket Updates for the current match. Dial 426 to listen to Live Cricket Commentary @ Rs 5/min+t" or Send "cri" to 777 @ 1.5/tax for ball to ball updates.
For entire match Subscription:

You can send 'sub' to 160 Rs. 50 + Tax would be charged: "You have subscribed to Live Cricket Updates for the entire Pak Vs SL Series.Dial 426 to listen live commentary @ Rs 5/min+t" or send Cri to 777 @1.5/tax for ball to ball updates.
For Ball to Ball Alerts:
User sends 'cri' to 777 @ Rs. 1.5 + Tax.

SMS 777 for ball-to-ball alerts
IVR 426 for live commentary
SMS 161 for entire match
SMS 160 for entire series

SMS 777 @ Rs. 1.5+tax (ball-to-ball alerts)
VR 426 @ Rs. 5+tax (live commentary)
SMS 161 @ Rs. 15+tax (entire match)
SMS 160 @ Rs. 50+tax (entire series)

SMS "unsub" to 778 to un-subscribe to the cricket service Price Point Rs. 1/SMS

Enjoy cricket with Zong's Cricket alert service.. Comment if you want some more info


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